
DNA proves that the Olmecs were Native Americans

Afrocentric extremists and pseudohistorians have stubbornly claimed that the ancient Olmecs were Africans who somehow managed to get to Mesoamerica and created the Olmec civilisation. But in reality there is no proof whatsoever supporting such claims. There are no historical, archaeological, anthropological or linguistic evidence. And a study of Olmec DNA also proves that the ancient Olmecs were not Black / African, but Native American. The study was made by anthropologist Enrique Villamar Becerill in corporation with Dr Ann Cyphers, one of the worlds foremost experts on the ancient Olmecs and their culture. One can read about the study in this article (in Spanish):  Villamar Becerill, Enrique, "Estudios de ADN y el origen de los Olmecas." Arquelogia Mexicana, num 150 pp 40-41 For a news flash about the same study one can read: "Las cabezas olmecas son mesoamericanas" (The Olmec heads are Mesoamerican). Gaceta Unam, Feb 10, 2020

Important book which debunks misinformation about Native American history

 For those interested in debunking Afrocentric and wabocentric misinformation regarding precolumbian, Native American history and culture, I can inform that  a second edition of Gabriel Haslip Vieras book "Thieves of Civilization: Afrocentric Attempts to Appropriate the Cultural Heritage of Native Americans and Latino Indo-Mestizos in America" is available.  "This book is a response to the assertions made over the years by Afrocentric extremists who claim that the first Americans were sub-Saharan Africans, that the first American "civilizations" were created by ancient Egypto-Nubian and West African visitors, and that other West Africans came to the Americas in the fourteenth century CE and again in the years before the European discovery of the Americas in 1492. The book is a point-by-point refutation of some of the most important claims made by Afrocentric extremists and a defense of the real contributions and the actual research that has been done on the cul...

New findings indicate that Europeans were not the first humans on the Falkland islands

New paleoecological and archaeological  findings on the Falkland islands in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean indicate that Europeans were not the first humans on the islands. The new findings show that Native Americans may have visited the islands sometimes between 1275 and 1420. Also earlier visits may have occurred.  The findings also raise the question if the so called Warrah  (Dusicyon australis) , a kind of now extinct fox, endemic to the islands, can have been brought there by humans. From Science:  Evidence of prehistoric human activity in the Falkland Islands When Darwin visited the Falkland Islands in 1833, he noted the puzzling occurrence of the islands’ sole terrestrial mammal, Dusicyon australis (or “warrah”). The warrah’s origins have been debated, and prehistoric human transport was previously rejected because of a lack of evidence of pre-European human activity in the Falkland Islands. We report several lines of evidence indicating that humans w...

American pyramids were invented and built by Native Americans

 Some Afrocentrics,  Eurocentrics and hyperdiffusionists claim that the pyramids in the Americas must be inspired by the ones in Egypt and Nubia. But there is of course no evidence at all for such a connection. The pyramid is a basic concept and one of the easiest ways to build tall, but at the same time stable structures. There are pyramids and pyramidal structures in several places in the world, of varying age and built for different purposes. Also they range in age from the oldest ones in Peru and Egypt to younger ones in Mesoamerica, Indonesia and other places.  Native Americans did not need any help from Egypt or other Old World cultures to invent pyramids, they were fully capable to do so by themselves. The pyramids from Caral in Peru are as old as the oldest pyramids in the Old World, and were invented and built by Native Americans. Reconstruction of the pyramid at La Venta in Mexico, built by the Olmecs, a Native American culture .  Pyramid at Teotihuacan in ...

The alleged Black Maya

Some Afrocentrics are spreading the notion that the ancient Maya were black/African people. Often they cherry-pick some pictures from Maya art, like the Bonampak murals, which show dark skinned figures, and totally disregard the art which show more light skinned figures.  The Maya peoples were, and still are, Native Americans, not black. Some of them can vary in skin tone from lighter brown to darker brown. Also in old painting they could depict themselves as lighter or darker, it could vary depending on artistic context and different colors symbolism. If one take a look at some Maya today, many have a striking resemblance of the depictions from ancient times, in both facial features and often also in colors. Ancient Maya and Maya of today Maya of yesterday and Maya of today Both today and in ancient depictions, Mayas could vary in skin tone

Seeing black men for the first time

Some Afrocentrists claim that the native Americans were black, even into rather recent times. But all research and also reports from contemporary eye witnesses debunks all such claims. Here, for example is an interview with a so called "buffalo soldier", a black soldier in the US army. He tells that the native Americans of the old West had never seen black people before, and when they saw the black soldiers they called them "buffalo boys" because their dark skin and kinky hair, which reminded them of buffalos.

An American genocide

Still today many European descendants in the Americas try to deny the genocides their ancestors subjected the Native Americans to. The deniers often try to blame Native American depopulation on epidemics and similar "natural" causes, or they try to diminish the genocide by claiming that Native Americans killed each other already before the first Europeans arrived in the Americas. They also try to apply so narrow definitions of the term genocide that it excludes everything except the Holocaust during World War II.  But as more and more research is conducted about the genocide(s) against Indigenous American the more hollow the denials sound. One of the books, based on several years of research, that thoroughly documents a genocide in America is "An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873" by Benjamin Madley, a history professor at the University of California. In his book he describes the brutal genocide that the American ...