DNA proves that the Olmecs were Native Americans

Afrocentric extremists and pseudohistorians have stubbornly claimed that the ancient Olmecs were Africans who somehow managed to get to Mesoamerica and created the Olmec civilisation. But in reality there is no proof whatsoever supporting such claims. There are no historical, archaeological, anthropological or linguistic evidence. And a study of Olmec DNA also proves that the ancient Olmecs were not Black / African, but Native American.

The study was made by anthropologist Enrique Villamar Becerill in corporation with Dr Ann Cyphers, one of the worlds foremost experts on the ancient Olmecs and their culture.

One can read about the study in this article (in Spanish): 

Villamar Becerill, Enrique, "Estudios de ADN y el origen de los Olmecas." Arquelogia Mexicana, num 150 pp 40-41

For a news flash about the same study one can read:

"Las cabezas olmecas son mesoamericanas" (The Olmec heads are Mesoamerican). Gaceta Unam, Feb 10, 2020   https://www.gaceta.unam.mx/las-cabezas-olmecas-son-mesoamericanas/

Enrique Villamar Becerill and Ann Cyphers

A video where they present the results from the study:

Las cabezas olmecas son mesoamericanas - Gaceta UNA



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