Ancient Olmecs and Great Zimbabwe
Once Great Zimbabwe was thought to have been built not by a local African culture but by foreigners like ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and even Portuguese. But archaeological research has shown it was built by local African peoples. The old racist beliefs have been debunked.
But as a sort of ideological ghost some Afrocentrists perpetuate similar myths about the ancient Olmecs in Mexico, claiming that their culture was created by, or influenced by black Africans. These claims are not taken seriously among archaeologists who actually work with and research ancient Mesoamerican cultures, but they have got followers among black (North) Americans. So today some black people do the same to native Americans as Europeans once did against Africans, trying to deny them their cultural heritage. Which is rather sad.
This can also lead to a divide between Native Americans and African Americans.
This can also lead to a divide between Native Americans and African Americans.
Olmec pyramid in La Venta, Mexico (reconstruction)
Great Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe (reconstruction)
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